Fall Into an Autumn Vibe
Luxury Lindsey is Breaking Down Her Favorite Fall Essentials from Our Favorite Clean Beauty Boutique in New Orleans, Vibrant Market.
Discover Luxury Lindsey’s top favorite Luxe Essentials at the Vibrant Market, where you’ll uncover the transformative power of clean beauty, luxury skincare, and a biohacking spa all at your fingertips in this hidden gem in the heart of New Orleans.
Autumn is officially here, and with the changing of the seasons, it’s the perfect time to tap into our best most beautiful selves through holistic wellness line Agent Nateur to keep your skin glowing from the inside out.
Join us as we walk through Vibrant Market to showcase the best products from this fan favorite from creator Jena Covello, advocating for only the finest ingredients at the intersections of clean sustainable beauty and luxury skincare.
Be sure to check in with Luxury Lindsey on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook for a brief but spectacular stroll featuring our top ten picks!
The Agent Nateur Déodorant Line
Arms up Ladies! By show of hands, how many of you Lovers of Luxury have swiped right on this super sexy underarm product?
I had heard first heard about this incredible product that was sweeping through boutique markets and department stores alike. Only once I got my hands on it, and subsequently under my underarms did I finally experience the hype.
We hope you enjoyed exploring our top ten clean beauty products from Vibrant Market in New Orleans. The next time you’re in the neighborhood, stop on by this unique biohacking sanctuary where you just might discover the fountain of youth.
At the very least, you’ll find the very best clean beauty and luxury skincare products that are changing the face of sustainability without breaking the bank.
Remember to love the skin your in, and it will love you back. Happy Libra Season Lovers of Luxury!